International mobility - Fondazione Università Magna Graecia

International mobility - Fondazione Università Magna Graecia

International mobility 2021/2022

Students are advised that the procedure for completing the online application for International Mobility for the academic year has been activated. 2021/2022.

All students ELIGIBLE for the current academic year can apply for international mobility.

Deadline for submitting the application: 10/06/2022 at 12:00.


  • Log in to the PERSONAL AREA with pin and password
  • Fill in the Application
  • Click on TRANSMIT

Once the application has been sent, attach the following documents in ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION:

  • International mobility application form duly signed (downloadable in the RECEIPTS section in the personal area)
  • Documentation certifying admission to the international mobility program issued by the University or through other international programs.

At the end of the stay abroad, students must produce the documentation certifying the carrying out of the mobility program, the period of stay abroad, the amount of the scholarship granted by the University and / or by another Body / Institution.


International mobility a.y. 2018/2019

Students are advised that the procedure for completing the online application for international mobility a.y. has been activated. 18/19.

To fill in the application, just log in with your PIN and PASSWORD in your personal area and click on the dedicated section;

the online application must be completed by 30 May 2019;

the delivery of the documentation to the Front-office counter must take place by 10 June 2019;

The beneficiaries will be paid an advance equal to two months.The payment of the advance must be requested by the student and accompanied by specific documentation certifying admission to the international mobility program and the amount of the scholarship granted out of EU funds or funds. of other international programs.

The balance of the contribution will be paid at the end of the stay abroad, at the request of the student who must produce University documentation certifying the development of the mobility program, the period of stay abroad and the amount of the scholarship granted by the University and / or other body or institution.

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