Story - Fondazione Università Magna Graecia

About us | Story - Fondazione Università Magna Graecia

Story of Fondazione UMG

The "Magna Graecia" University of Catanzaro Foundation was established in January 2011 by the University of the same name, the sole founder, which intended to make use of the faculty granted to universities by art. 59 paragraph 3 of Law 23/12/2000, no. 388 to establish foundations under private law "to carry out instrumental and support activities for teaching and research".

The Foundation, established pursuant to Law no. 388 and the implementing regulation D.P.R. 24 May 2001 n. 254, is the instrumental body which the University of Studies intends to equip itself with to contribute to the development of the University and the economic, social and cultural context of the area.

The mission of the Foundation is essentially to implement support actions for the teaching and scientific activity of our University and to act as an interface between the University and the territory.

Through the Foundation, the University wants to grasp the needs of the internal and external community to offer the support of its cultural, scientific and social heritage, for the benefit of a necessary process of renewal and development.

The Foundation works alongside the University to stimulate research, to improve teaching activities, to act as an intermediary with public institutions and private entities.

Preliminarily, it is necessary to highlight how the Foundation, while operating within the perimeter outlined by the governing bodies of the University, has identified, in the short term, a group of its own activities that demonstrate how there is ample space for the formulation and implementation of specific strategies and lines of actions consistent with the direction of the University and at the same time expression of a broad and conscious managerial autonomy that does not depress but strengthens the dialectical matrix and the University / Foundation synergy.

The experience gained in the various activities makes it possible to lean towards a dynamic rather than a static view of the process aimed at outlining the strategic vision of the University-Foundation binomial, in constant evolution and focused on a process of mutual learning.

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